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Phone Plans

Pay Today or Pay Later – Satellite Phone Service Plans for All Needs and Budget

Managing satellite phone communication cost has become easier than ever with Satellite Phone Rental’s prepaid and post-paid satellite phone service plans. Created exclusively to provide customer satisfaction and make satellite phones more affordable, our Sat phone plans help you pay as per your convenience.

Prepaid Satellite Phone Plans

Prepaid plans are suitable for a seasonal user. If you are on a fixed budget, prepaid plans are a great option for you. You can pay upfront, get great rates and stay on budget at the same time. You will receive alerts when you are running low on minutes or if your card is going to expire soon. Check out our prepaid satellite phone service plans options.

Postpaid Sat Phone Plans

Get the convenience of uninterrupted service without worrying about the usage. Our postpaid plans are created exclusively for those who need to stay connected 24×7. All our plans are flexible and hassle free. Never run out of airtime by selecting the best out of our postpaid satellite phone service plans options

Need Expert Assistance?

If you are unable to find a plan suitable as per your requirements, feel free to contact us. Call 866-210-9360, or email at


Globalstar Satellite Phone Service

Globalstar Service
Globalstar provides services which include domestic and International telephone, data and quick asset location. We offer Globalstar satellite products which include hand held units, fixed site units as well as small asset location devices. Globalstar is the largest satellite phone service provider of hand held satellite phones in the world. Our partnership with Globalstar allows us to provide some of the highest quality products available on the market.
Iridium Satellite Phone Service

iridium Service
The Iridium satellite phone terminal provide worldwide telephone and data communication with a small handheld device. This unique product allows the customer to have both voice and data communications from virtually anywhere in the world including the oceans and poles. Iridium provides this service with a sixty-six LEO satellite constellation which provides seamless coverage virtually everywhere on the planet.

Inmarsat IsatPhone Satellite Phone Service

iridium Service
The new IsatPhone Pro from Inmarsat uses the three satellite Geostationary I-4 satellite systems to provide near global coverage for voice and low speed data. Features include GPS position reporting, color screen and an unprecidented 10 hours of talk time on the battery. Both Prepaid and Monthly service plans are available for the Isatphone Pro at highly competitive pricing.